

     Hello, welcome to the blog of Southern Wag Pet Accessories. On our blog you will find the latest information about Southern Wag. We will post new products, sale information, and much more information.
     You will also find a link to contact us if you have any questions or comments. We also have a link to our Facebook page and best of all we have a link so you can shop online at our Etsy store!     
     If you are not familiar with us already here is a little bit about us. I am a southern girl, born and raised in Texas! I have had a love for animals since I was born and I love to craft so what better way to join by two passions than to make pet accessories.
     Being the wife of a Navy sailor we are not always stationed where there are all conveniences of being stateside, so I decided to bring America to me. On my last trip back to the states I got a brilliant idea and bought some fabric, a sewing machine and taught myself to sew.
     My inner "Martha" is now in full swing and I am thrilled to be able to provide our one of a kind accessories for pet lovers all over the world.
     Southern Wag Pet Accessories allows your pet to stand out in the crowd and be accessorized in collars, leashes and other items that fit their personality.
     Southern Wag is proud to announce each item is hand made with pride and love.


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